When she says you have a cute cock

Cute cock

Having a cute cock is by no means a compliment. It is a nice way of saying your penis is so tiny that I’d never consider doing anything sexual with it whatsoever. 

Look at little nubby dick here. This is the type of penis that is usually seen when a girl says, “OMG you have a cute dick!”

Is it cute? Yes in the sense that it’s so damn miniature sized that you can’t help but think that. Kinda like if you saw the tiniest little statute of a frog or something — it’s cute too but only because it’s so small.

A cute cock just means you fit into the; too small for sex club, just like this button dick does. He should be pussyfree for life without a doubt. But how cute!!!

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3 thoughts on “When she says you have a cute cock

  1. My wife came in our bedroom while I was laying on my back with my little one poking up. She said ” Oh, how cute”. Just her way of saying, what a tiny dick you have…

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