Tiny cock is smaller than a battery
My tiny cock can’t even compete with a small battery.
My tiny cock can’t even compete with a small battery.
It’s hard to believe that my penis is this small but it is.
My little worm dick is actually smaller than a AAA battery!
The vibrator battery wins! Here is my pathetic little worm compared to my wife’s vibrator battery. My dicklette may be a little bigger than the …
Battery challenge attempted and my micro penis failed miserably.
My little dicklette is barely as big as a AA battery.
When on vacation at my grandma’s house I got a little frisky with Esmeralda. We went to the corn fields for some action and when …
My tiny penis is smaller than a Triple A Battery!
I’m Pisellino68 and here is my cock exposed for all of you. Its measurement at maximum erection length is 3.5 inches.
This pussyfree male is packing a pinky dick and this is proof that a little AA battery is bigger than this useless little cock.