It’s not fair that my penis is so small

It’s not fair that my penis is so small

It’s just not fair that I was born with a penis that, even after puberty, is still small. Why? Why are other men gifted with larger penises, and get to enjoy the pleasures of making love to women, while some like me are required to spend eternity alone and have to masturbate for release?

Mine is such an embarrassment, it belongs in panties (but my own).

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One thought on “It’s not fair that my penis is so small

  1. I find it liberating. Society pressures us to conform to want relationships as a paramount life achievement. Theres so much more out in this world than sex little brother. Dont feel it makes you inadequate. Find what drives you outside of sex. Im not going to let my small dick, stop me from achieving in life and dont let it stop you either. Mens mental health concerning their sizes isnt something we talk about and i think a lot of sexual frustration and confusion about gender is happening all over the world because we are not addressing it. My thoughts are with you and your concerns. I wish i could say more to help you through this.

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