Girlfriend broke up with me after telling friends her ex had a bigger dick

Girlfriend broke up with me after telling her friends her ex had a bigger dick

My beautiful ex-girlfriend broke up with me over 2 years ago and I’ve been pussy free ever since. We tried for months to have sex, but she just couldn’t get any pleasure and eventually had to dump me. She said if it were literally anyone else’s dick she could get an orgasm.

I’m sort of afraid that I’ve gotten too accustomed to a pussy free life. Hoping that I can break the cycle before the year is over. BTW, this is a picture my ex asked me to take after she broke up with me. I still don’t know why she asked me to take a picture of my erect penis if she didn’t even like it?

Maybe it’s not so bad after all…

Femdom asking if you want to show your penis.

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