Instead of listening to my mistress I tried getting pussy even though my erection is less than five inches long, has an extremely small head and sits atop a small ball bag.
The description of my tiny pecker probably sounds ridiculous and it is but what makes it even worse is that I’m a minute man too. Yet for some reason my quick cumming little cocklette thought it deserved sex and it all blew up in my face.
What ended up happening? Well instead of getting laid, I got teased, denied, used for drinks, made to eat pussy once and then ditched. The one time she actually touched my dick I ended up shooting my load prematurely everywhere like a loser.
No pussy and then no job
To make matters worse my big attempt at getting pussy, that I knew I could never pleasure, was with someone I work with. Technically now I worked with her because I ended up getting turned in for breaking company policy and my tiny cock got fired too!
So not only did my loser cock fail at getting any pussy but it ended up costing me my job too. I may be the only man in the world that has been fired for having a tiny dick.
My penis is 16inches after taking mountain honey for a week it was already 13 and grew 3 more.