Not too long ago, I took the measurements and discovered that I’m not just part of the Tiny Dick Club but have an especially embarrassing class of small dicks. I have a chode.
When I’m flaccid, my dick is wider than it is long, so even though I move out of chode territory when I get hard, since I have a wider than long dick either erect or flaccid, I have a chode.
Anyway, here I am in what I suppose has become my standard SYTD uniform assuming the standard urinal stance, looking for some SPH.
I was wondering if you could add a special designation on my SYTD membership card for those of us with chodes as it would officially place me beneath even the regular tiny dicks here and in with the worst of the worst.
If I’m lucky, some female will let me jerk off in front of her, since even a hand-job is out of the question now. If not, I guess my destiny will be jerking off to porn and into the urinals I so love.
– Mike
Hiya ! I’m a chode also. My micro weewee girth is 4 inches exactly but my erection is just a tad over 2 inches long. Flaccid my micro pp inverts into what is left of my circumcised foreskin. So yeah let’s have that special category for the most pathetic dicks of all – the CHODE