Beginning as soon as possible all pitiful penises should start saving an archive of their photos.
The reason behind this concept is to help keep track of small your dick is getting over time. It has been shown that guys that become addicted to Show Your Tiny Dick experience penis shrinkage. We want to track this trend and see if it’s really true.
To start your own archive simply create a new folder on your computer or phone and save all your dick pics to it. Make sure to at least save several per year for comparison.
If you notice that you’re shrinking leave a comment letting us know about it!
My penis has shrunk since I began wearing panties and chasity. Nowadays I’m on avg 4.5”. I used to be 5.5”. It’s been about 3yrs so far
4.5 after 3 years?! Mines 4 inches without anything! I don’t even try to shrink my cock and it seems to be shrinking without any help from anything! I’m a little worried mines going to be a clit here soon..!