What is it? I’m too small to be a penis and not good enough to be a clit

My wife does not allow me to refer to this as a penis because people may think I’m a real man. She says it’s not a clit because I am not worthy to be associated with a woman. What is it?

Looks like a useless little micro nub to me lol

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9 thoughts on “What is it? I’m too small to be a penis and not good enough to be a clit

  1. Hi JC. I secretly wish to have a full-time nub dick that’s just a head with no shaft. But that’s barely a head. Can you even pee standing up??

    1. Justin,

      Sometimes I can pee standing up but I have to pull on the head to try to stretch it out first. Usually I just sit to pee and that always winds up with me peeing all over my balls.


    2. Justin,

      If I try to pee standing up I pull on it for a little bit to try and stretch it out. I usually just pull down my panties and sit when I pee, but that usually results in me making a mess all over my balls but easier to clean up than standing and peeing on my balls or hand.


  2. Mark… thank you for the insult, I deserve it.

    CM and Tami, thank you also for the insults. My pathetic micropenis has not given my wife an orgasm, and on top of that, I am the worst fuck she has ever had. She has made me issue public internet apologies to women who had to endure after proving to me I am the worst fuck and have a tiny nub. I apologize again to the beautiful women who had to experience my sexual ineptness…my wife Dawn, Allison, Suzy, Jenny, and Christie. I will continue to post humiliating micropenis and sissy cuck photos as a continued apology to these women for telling them I had a big cock and was great in bed. It was a lie… yruth is i bately have a penis and I truly am a horrible fuck, that is why I am on the Do Not Fuck list.

    JC in the Carolinas

    1. Tiny little faggot that thing can’t even be locked up in a cage should be permanently fitted with a cap TBH
      So that pathetic little button can’t even feel a thing!!! Never would any girl let you near her ever YOU HEAR ME YOU LITTLE FUCKING SISSY CUCK! Fucking nublet LMFAOOO

  3. It absolutely looks like it’s crying. That comment is too funny and it did make me laugh.

    I feel bad for your wife. No woman deserves something that small that can’t give us women a big O! I would probably have sex with other men too if i was married to that.


    1. Second CM’s comments and I hope you have not had sex with many women too. It would be sad to think some women believe that is what a dick is supposed to look like.

      Tami DC

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