Jerk Off Challenge: The Fastest Penis Size Test

Doing the SYTD Jerk Off Challenge is by far the fastest way to determine your dick size. 

Literally all you need to do this challenge is your two hands and that thing you call a dick. At least after you do this, you’ll know if you actually have one.

Do the Jerk Off Challenge

Step 1: The first step should be simple enough for most of you. All you need to do is get your dick as erect as possible.

Step 2: Stack both of your hands on your erection. To do this first put one hand around your dick with the bottom of your pinky touching the base. Do not try to push way down and include your balls, as if it’s part of your dick.

Now take your second hand and place it just above your other hand. Do it so the pinky is touching the top of the first hand.

If you can see your head and some shaft sticking out the top of both fists then you’re in good shape.

Step 3: Try to jerk yourself off. If you have more dick sticking out the top of both your hands then this will seem natural for you. Not the case? You’re in trouble.

Determine Your Results

Figuring out your results are pretty damn easy with the SYTD Jerk Off Challenge. Here’s the breakdown.

PASS: If you could easily put both hands on your hard cock then you pass and most likely have a big dick.

FAIL: If fitting two hands on your boner isn’t even an option or there’s not enough for you to stroke on then you’re rocking a small penis and probably always will.

Measuring hand width
A guy’s hand is roughly 3.5 inches wide which equates into 7 inches when stacked. That just happens to equal the number that big dick status begins at.

After you give the jerk off challenge a try, let us know how it turned out for you.

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13 thoughts on “Jerk Off Challenge: The Fastest Penis Size Test

  1. I fail miserably. My pathetic 3 1/2″ white worm is completely covered by one hand. If I tighten my grip enough, it becomes a nice little hand pussy for me to fuck.

  2. I failed this test quite badly…
    With both hands wrapped around my dick, I wasn’t able to see anything sticking out…
    And when I tried to jerk off like that, my cock just slid out of my second hand on the very first thrust. I tried it a few more times before giving up…
    I really seem to have a small dick…

  3. Oh Yah it dam hurts in my ass. The guys say I have a girls ass he made me tape my penis between my legs so I look like a girl he liked it so much hefucked my ass all night it really hurts I need pussy.

  4. What to do I can’t get ducked. I’m getting more cock don’t want it but I have to get it someplace would you put a Dildo on and show me what a real cock is supposed to look like. It sucks I have to suck cock know and take it in my ass can’t have pussycat. My mistress

  5. I guess it’s small at least I have a nice ass that should count for something. Mabey I should turn gay get it up my ass I tried sex with condoms they fell off inside woman pussy

  6. Took the jerk of challenge my dicklet didn’t stick out from one hand. I certainly have a tiny penis.

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