Your Most Humiliating Sex Stories

The most humiliating sex stories.

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One thought on “Your Most Humiliating Sex Stories

  1. My name is Richard Small…I used to pone work places .If a women answered i’d say my mistress told me to phone this number and that you have her permission to humiliate me for having a small penis…Most of the time the women would laugh and try to humiliate me which really turned me on as they would giggle whilst speaking others just hung up…I used a public call box …Anyway unbeknown to me some women complained to the police …I was caught by CCTV cameras…It went to court …I was advised to plead guilty …I was fined …But what shocked me was that the court was packed out ..people laughed when the charges were read out..which i found funny as well and laughed .the women judge told me to stop laughing which made the whole court laugh even louder ,even me ,the judge kept shouting order in court… Anyway i thought that was the end of my humiliation …NO… the local paper had my court case on the front page with big headline LITTLE PENIS PHONE PEST FINALLY BROUGHT TO JUSTICE AFTER TORMENTING INNOCENT WOMEN WITH HIS PERVERTED WAYS OVER THE PHONE…there was a photo of me with my name as DICK LITTLE…I must admit i found it embarrassing .Now my mother and three older sisters keep asking if i’m ok and to talk if i feel down.

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